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Rescheduled Annual Meeting Notice

Event Starts: June 10, 2024

6:15 pm

Please be advised that the Annual Meeting of the members has been rescheduled for Monday, June 10th, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Eagle Mountain Saginaw Central Administration Building, 1600 Mustang Rock Rd, Fort Worth, TX.

The meeting will be held for the following purposes:

    1. To elect three (3) new Board Members.
    2. Provide an overview and accomplishments of 2023.
    3. Discuss future plans of the HOA.

Click here to view the meeting packet: Click here to download and read the MCR 2024 Annual Meeting

Click here to complete your Proxy online now!

In the event you are unable to attend the meeting, please complete the online or proxy form in your meeting packet and return it by Monday, June 10th, 2024, by email to

During the Annual Meeting, the owners will elect three (3) members to the Board. In anticipation of the Annual Meeting, nominations for the board of directors were due by May 9th. Floor nominations will not be taken.

If Quorum is not met at the meeting that starts at 6:15, then we will adjourn and reconvene the meeting starting at 6:30 in an attempt to obtain the required, reduced quorum. If quorum is not met at the reconvened meeting, then such meeting will be adjourned, and a final meeting will be held at 6:45 where quorum will be obtained by those owners who are present in person or by proxy.

Please arrive at the meeting a few minutes early in order to sign in and receive your materials before the meeting starts. The meeting will begin promptly at 6:15 p.m. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.